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Wittersham Road . History of the station on the Kent and East Sussex Railway

The original station site was largely cleared by British Railways but for the reopening in 1978.

the railway provided a station platform using coping stones from Heathfield station in Sussex.

The platform footpath is flanked by railings retrieved from Cranbrook, another station on a Stephens' railway, and lamp standards from Ashurst and Cowden.

The Station name board also originated from Cranbrook. The signal box is a Saxby and Farmer type 5 box from Deal Junction, Dover built about 1882 and transported here for the opening of the rebuilt station. The yard here is somewhat extended from its old role as a busy agricultural goods yard and is currently used as the Permanent Way Headquarters for the Railway and as a relatively vandal free storage site for rolling stock in need of renovation.

The station building is set at right angles to the line and closely resembles the original but came from the Cambrian Railways at Borth in West Wales where it had been since the 1890's. Opposite this building across the station yard, where stock coming to and from the railway is loaded, is a relic of World War II. By the picnic site the small Blockhouse was built as an ammunition store for one of a pair of 'super heavy' 9.2" rail-mounted guns that were based on the railway from February 1941 to 8th August 1944. They had a range of some 20 miles and would have been used to fire on the beaches edging Romney Marsh in the event of invasion.

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Morghew Farm House, Smallhythe Rd, Tenterden TN30 7LS, UK

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